
こちら買取本舗 ウェブデザイナー
Okachimachi City

Okachimachi City is popular for buying and selling of gold coin. Here in our store we normally have four coustomer per day who brings Japanese Gold Coins to sell. Mostly the number of buying is high when the value of gold is rised. Okachimachi is a business area and has so many jewelery shops and gold buying shops. the crowd starts from afternoon till late night. We can see different types of people here such as tourists, business man, retailers, gamers, buyers etc. If any one wants to buy clothings this is the place to come and if you have anything to sell Our store is the place to visit.
You are Always Welcome To our Store.
Carbon-Gold Web-Designer
Bipeen Thapa Magar

सुनको सिक्का किनबेचका लागि ओकाचीमाची एक लोकप्रिय सहर मनिन्न्छ। हाम्रो स्टोरमा हामीसँग सामान्यतया प्रति दिन चार जना ग्राहक हुन्छन् जसले बेच्नको लागि जापानी सुनका सिक्का ल्याउँछन्। सुनको भाउ बढेको दिन ग्रहक्को संख्या पनि बढी हुन्छ । ओकाचीमाची एक व्यापार क्षेत्र हो र धेरै गहना पसल र सुन किन्ने पसलहरू छन्। भीड दिउँसोदेखि राति अबेरसम्म चल्छ। यहाँ पर्यटक, व्यापारी, खुद्रा विक्रेता, गेमर, खरीददार आदि विभिन्न प्रकारका मानिसहरू देख्न सक्छौं। यदि कसैले कपडा किन्न चाहन्छ अथवा केहि बेच्न छ भने ओकाचीमाची सही ठाउँ हो।
हाम्रो स्टोर मा तपाईंलाई सधै स्वागत छ।
Carbon-Gold Web-Designer
Bipeen Thapa Magar

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